Impervious Browser

VPNs Browsers Misc Web 3.0 Decentralized ID


Releasing 2022/04/07: In addition to being a browser for decentralized apps & services, the project created a layer 3 on top of the BitCoin network with a bundle of APIs. "The Impervious APIs enable any application or service to stream cryptographically secure, censorship and surveillance resistant data transmission channels." "Impervious is building the tools and infrastructure for the P2P internet. By interlacing Lightning, Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), a DIDComm system, WebRTC, IPFS and more into a familiar application, the Impervious Browser is able to provide an entire suite of easy to use P2P capabilities."


Impervious Browser will work without centralized DNS. It will work without central servers. User accounts are self-hosted, meaning the user is in full control. Monetization is uncensorable and unstoppable with cryptocurrencies.

DNS Servers User Accounts Crypto Monetization

  = unknown or n/a    = Decentralized    = Centralized

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